Friday, March 14, 2008

Do you think that advertising can influence people's behavior and attitude?

Modern advertisements contain hidden messages. Implicit in the advertisement showing the pretty girl or the handsome boy in the new car or the smiling children round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the product, we also achieve success and happiness.
It is a subtle approach since it seeks to exploit our secret dreams, and it is inescapable since advertising is ubiquitous.
Giant street billboard and jingles on television bombard us from all sides. They brainwash us into believing that we can realize our ambitions quickly and easily.
On the other hand, defenders of advertising say that it is beneficial. Advertising is informative. Advertisements tell us about useful new products. They brighten our lives with color and music. They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices down.
Whether for or against advertising, most people would agree that some kind of watchdog body, appointed by the government or by the advertising industry itself, is necessary to keep standards of honesty and to discourage the more blatant types of misleading advertisements.

Sara Z

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