Friday, March 21, 2008

Do you think that people should be let to be involved in some decision making regarding their community?


During the history democracy has been a controversial issue of the globe. The historical records show that there have been individuals who have taken the control of their community based on their own discretion. It is believed that these gifted individuals have the special capability and ability to rule the society rather than the ordinary people.

As it is clearly obvious all the sciences related to human kind and his issues are extremely critical and controversial including psychology, sociology, politics and etc. There have been various theoretic and practical opinions presented by philosophers regarding humanity. It seems that by passing decades most nations have grasped the idea which demonstrates the best way to govern a society is to engage the nation directly. That’s why a kind of legislature namely parliament, congress, council are made by the election in countries to make the laws in order to control the communities. It is said that people can be involved in social decision making by assignment of their tasks to people who are able to consider all their needs and requirements in a society. In this way decisions are not made by a superpower individual who has been elected by himself or at most by few special people rather numerous opinions are scooped up to reach an agreement and make a single decision.

By taking a deeper look at the issue it is perceived that there must be a lot of disadvantages in this method of ruling a community as well as in the way of dictatorship. For example, is there enough chance and possibility for a thickly populated nation to recognize some wise and talented individuals to assign them this difficult and complicated task? Or what are the efficient criteria to elect those people? As some qualifications are defined for the electors to give them the right to vote, a query comes to mind that who deserves to vote?

It is seen in many countries that despite the fact that people have been given the right to elect the legislators, the governing process of those countries have gone extremely badly and wrongly. Although in this regard so many aspects rather than the election procedure should be considered, the most important matter in my opinion is the primary stage of democracy and it is definitely the election process. How do ordinary people concern the election? How are their beliefs, opinions and way of thinking shaped? Isn’t it that even in a democratic society superpowers influence other’s opinions extensively in a very hidden and potential way? It wrongly seems that they think and decide based on their own discretion but they are permanently under the influence by higher people. That’s why it can be easily said that dictatorship is still running, doing its duties and affecting everything but in a different way, under the cover of democracy.

As the failure of democracy can not be neglected, in my opinion and as a conclusion, we should hope some thoughtful dictators come and dictate RIGHTLY if a community intends to be ruled in a good way as a utopia and if it intends to be governed in a bad way, we have to let people free to be influenced spontaneously by insufficient higher powers. (Am I kidding? I am not sure!)

Nasim Gh

People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing

Have you ever thought about the trend which has led you to become the person you are now? In which stages of your life you were the only one to decide? When was the time you just had to follow the rules imposed on you?

Obligation is the word which might seem unpleasant for the people whom all their attempts are directed to achieve freedom and there might be some people who feel the power to deny any rules. Although it is a doubtless right to be free, there exists a fact: obligation is not only a reality but also it can sometimes(of course sometimes!) be enjoyable in the end!
Do you know when the first obligation in your life happened? When your mother gave birth to you and nobody asked you whether you liked to be here or not… You were just crying…Are you upset about it now or appreciate it? Another situation out of your control is when you lose someone close. No one can describe the pain and the feeling, but after a while aren’t you a more mature person who pays attention to the deeper aspects of life?

The pain of out of control things sometimes brings us the sweetness of being profound. Life is full of dos and don’ts and maybe it is meaningless without them. So fight against the obligations to grow and accept them to relieve! It includes no contrast, both have the same aim : to make you a better human.

Sepide P

Friday, March 14, 2008

Do you think that advertising can influence people's behavior and attitude?

Modern advertisements contain hidden messages. Implicit in the advertisement showing the pretty girl or the handsome boy in the new car or the smiling children round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the product, we also achieve success and happiness.
It is a subtle approach since it seeks to exploit our secret dreams, and it is inescapable since advertising is ubiquitous.
Giant street billboard and jingles on television bombard us from all sides. They brainwash us into believing that we can realize our ambitions quickly and easily.
On the other hand, defenders of advertising say that it is beneficial. Advertising is informative. Advertisements tell us about useful new products. They brighten our lives with color and music. They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices down.
Whether for or against advertising, most people would agree that some kind of watchdog body, appointed by the government or by the advertising industry itself, is necessary to keep standards of honesty and to discourage the more blatant types of misleading advertisements.

Sara Z
Music can be very inspirational whereas other music seems boring and meaningless.

Music seems to be coming from far away; it is the whisper of the angels. It illuminates the mysteries of the universe to open-minded human beings. But this statement does not cover all the types of music. An inspirational music should have some different factors, especially based on genre of music and its addressee.

In the first place the category of music is noteworthy. Some sorts of music are novel and they come from the heart of the human history; for example Iranian music which it is the type of music I listen to is full of incidents and tenderness that have happened to Persians along the history. Vice versa some groups of music such as Rap music is very young; it is true that it has its own impact through the society but it lacks the deepness and complications of those music which have a wealthy background.

The receivers of music and their needs is the second point to consider. There is a wide variety of music based on the functions. For example people use music for relaxation, workout, dancing, entertainment and a lot of different intentions. I myself listen to music for upgrading my spirit and in the meanwhile I enjoy it and so I can empty my mind from the exhaustion of routine life.

In conclusion, according to the mentioned issues we could recognize that what type of music would cover our necessities and that type of music which matches with a large number of people becomes popular but it should not be inspirational definitely, because all the people do not consider the sense of music.

Siavash M
Parents Remarriage

When a couple divorces, their children can't usually get along with the
new situation, especially when they are teenager or less. After that, if the
father or the mother gets married with another person, children's problems
extend. It is usual that children think the new person wants to take the
position of their parent. It is the start point of struggling.

The new partner's behavior has the most significant impression on
the children's reaction. She/He should know that children's interest to
their parents is by nature, and it is impossible that she/he is able to put
her/him instead of them, although they live apart. Otherwise, it becomes
difficult for them to live with each other. Children start to compare
her/him with their separated parent. Any deviation from the parent's action
stimulates them to react in a manner that she/he learns the normal behavior,
as they memorized from the past. For example, if children's parent used to
prepare breakfast, it is better that he/she does that and invites them.

In short, separation of parents causes a big shock on children, and
getting along with step-mother/step-father put more pressure on them.
Therefore they should know that it takes long time for children to manage
the new situation. In these times step-mother/step-father has to do her/his
best and avoid any action that hurts their feelings.

Mahdi J.
Do you think that advertising can influence people's behavior and attitude?

These days there are too many goods with same functions. Sometimes it is impossible for people to decide which one is better. So people naturally look for a way to find out which goods are better. Among several possible ways to find out about a goods' quality, following advertisements is the easiest one. Hence people will buy the goods which have better advertisement on TV or radio or newspaper. Because of that advertising has become one of the most important features that can influence a goods' sale.

According to what was said a good advertisement persuades a customer to choose a certain brand of goods. For instance once I was walking in a store looking for glue to repair my closet, when I found the glue shelf, I remembered the advertisement on TV in which two men were camping in mountains and one of them said: "forget about coffee now only Sina Glue works". And I chose this brand at once. For further example one of my friends always chooses goods based on their advertisements and he says a good advertisement shows which brand is better than others.

In conclusion advertising can guarantee the sale of goods. Lots of people choose goods which have better advertisements. Beside the commercial advertisements, political advertisements can also change people's attitude. In other words we are living in advertising world.

Aria Z.