Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happiness or Success!

Nowadays people are looking for happiness and success more than the other days.
Some people believe that if they become successful, they will be happy and the others believe in vice versa. How should we analyze that?
Let us talk about the concept of happiness and success by giving some example around ourselves.
Firstly I want to talk about happiness. Some people think that, if they can do everything they wish they will be happy. My parents think a man will be happy if he has a well-paid job and gets married and he will be much happier if he has a beautiful and gentle wife and some polite, pretty and loving children. Unfortunately I don’t think, all of rich married people with an attractive wife and a bunch of good children are happy.
“Ernest Hemingway, author and journalist, Nobel laureate (1899-1961)
Hemingway, who took his own life in 1961, knew his share of both intelligent people and of unhappiness. He lived through two world wars, the Great Depression, four wives and an unknown number of failed romantic relationships, none of which would help him to develop happiness if he knew how.” He was successful but not happy!!!
I think Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know and it is better for them, don’t think about happiness seriously and just try to be successful.
Now let us think about success. Some people think that if they can realize their desires, they will be successful.
My parents wanted me to be a writer by this reason my father named me ‘saeed’ when I was born, as same as SAEED NAFISI. When I was a student at school I wanted to be a teacher at the university and someone like Varner Von Brown (father’s missile science). I studied electronic engineering and have worked as engineer also I have worked as a witty in some newspapers and journals for 4 years but I knew that I would never be an outstanding novelist or famous writer.
I became manager of a national aerospace project when I was 27 years old also a teacher at the university. Being or not being as a writer has never any effects in my life but they think that they were not successful about me while apparently I was successful in my career as an engineer, as a writer, as a manager and as a mushroom cultivator because all of my childhood ambitions were realized. Don’t mention that I had no sense about success!!! When we are child we have a lot of wishes for future. When we are adult, all of childhood desires might be realized but we have a lot of new wishes again and the story will be continued. For example: now I am so interested in studying financial modeling perfectly and I wish I am be able to make an approximate model of Iran economy. Perhaps I have known success with no sense about happiness again too!!!!!.
We know that children develop along four streams: intellectual, physical, emotional and social. Education systems in countries whose primary interest is in wealth accumulation encourage heroes in movies, war and sports, but not in intellectual development. But why?
Super intelligent people manage, but few reach the top of the business or social ladder.
People who are socially inept and who have trouble coping emotionally with the exigencies of life would not be among those you should expect to be happy although they might be successful. Maybe we can say that happiness has a direct relation with emotional abilities of people and their expectations of life. Also it might be in connection with their life style and standard of living.
In other words success has a direct relation to do right things to make progress and happiness has a direct relation to do things right so that we wish to do.
Unfortunately I don’t have any sense about happiness or success I might know success a little but I don’t know if I am happy or not. I am too busy to think about it therefore I am not the right person to talk about it!!!!

Saeed N


What is danger? If you ask this question from two people, you may get completely different answers because something which is considered dangerous to someone maybe is an entertainment to the other!
Jumping from high height like from towers or rocks is an example of dangerous things which is a kind of sport for some people. Jumping from a place that a lot of others can't even dare to get close to the edge and look down, is a regular act for them.
Actually, getting excited and thrilled is the most important reason to do dangerous deeds for whom does them. Everybody knows that driving with a high speed is dangerous but many people do it because they get excited by doing it. But when danger gets more serious the number of people who do it decreases, and here is the point when Daredevils come up.
Daredevils do things that other ordinary people can't even imagine and they just do it because they love to get challenged and it gets their adrenalin going.
In my personal opinion everybody needs to get excited somehow, but the levels of danger are different for everyone. For me driving fast on a highway is the most dangerous thing I might do in my life but jumping from a tower! I'll never do that!

Taher A